Pablo Salgado

Estudiante de doctorado (2014-2017)

  • Tesis doctoral: «Estudio de dos especies de dinoflagelados marinos productores de Floraciones Algales Nocivas (FANs): Alexandrium ostenfeldii y Protoceratium reticulatum«. Sobresaliente Cum Laude, 19 enero 2018.

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Marine Biologist graduate of the Universidad de Concepción, Chile (2004). He has a Master of Science with a Major in Oceanography, Universidad de Concepción (2011). He has worked for 8 years in various research projects related to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Currently, doctoral fellow in the Marine Science, Technology and Management program at the Universidad de Vigo, under the tutelage of Dr. Isabel Bravo and co-tutelage of Dr. Pilar Riobó. His main areas of interest are: toxic phytoplankton, dinoflagellate life cycles, dinoflagellate cysts and paleoceanography.