Fernando Rayón

Researcher hired (GRC-VGOHAB; GAIN. Xunta de Galicia)

Email: fernando.rayon@ieo.es

ORCID: [0000-0002-1622-2180]


Bachelor in biology (focused on environmental biology) with a MSc in marine conservation by the University of Oviedo. Phd in Environmental Engineering, specialized in coastal ecology, marine litter and human-environmental interactions. My professional skills include ecology, environmental biology, data analysis and statistical programming.

I am interested in the human interactions with the environment and its consequences, marine and coastal conservarion; and bioinformatics and statistical programming. My role in the group is to generate, nurture and curate the new database of the group (VGOHAdB), as well as to provide technical assistance in data analysis, biostatistics, version control and any other issue related to my competences.

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