Publicaciones 2019

Díaz, P.A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Mouriño-Carballido, B., Fernández-Pena, C., Riobó, P., Reguera, B. 2019. Fine scale physical-biological interactions during a shift from relaxation to upwelling with a focus on Dinophysis acuminata and its potential ciliate prey. Prog. Oceanogr 175: 309-327.

Díaz, P.A., Pérez-Santos, I., Álvarez, G., Araya, M., Álvarez, F., Reguera, B. 2019. Cell Cycle, Division Rate, and Feeding of the Heterotroph Phalacroma rotundatum in a Chilean Fjord. Microorganisms 7 (10): 451.

Villamaña M., Marañón E., Cermeño P., Estrada M., Fernández-Castro B., Figueiras F.G., Latasa M., Otero-Ferrer J.L., Reguera B., Mouriño-Carballido B. The role of mixing in controlling resource availability and phytoplankton community composition. Progress in Oceanography 178:102181.

Díaz P.A., Rodríguez-Villegas C., Álvarez G., Riobó P., Escudeiro-Rossignoli A., Marín A., Figueroa R.I. Floraciones de Alexandrium catenella en el sur de Chile: ¿Estamos preparados para la predicción de este tipo de eventos? VD Segundo Semestre 2019. email contacto:

Blanco J., Martín H., Mariño C., Escudeiro-Rossignoli A. Simple Diffusion as the Mechanism of Okadaic Acid Uptake by the Mussel Digestive Gland. Toxins 11:395.

Díaz-Asencio L., Vandersea M., Chomérat N., Fraga S., et al. 2019. Morphology, toxicity and molecular characterization of Gambierdiscus spp. towards risk assessment of ciguatera in south central Cuba. Harmful Algae 86:119-127.

Nascimento S.M., da Silva R.A.F., Oliveira F., Fraga S., Salgueiro F. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Coolia tropicalis, Coolia malayensis and a new lineage of the Coolia canariensis species complex (Dinophyceae) isolated from Brazil. European Journal of Phycology, 54:3, 484-496.

García-Portela M., Reguera B., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Rodríguez F., Montresor M. Effects of small-scale turbulence on two species of Dinophysis. Harmful Algae 89:101654.

David H., Laza-Martínez A., Rodríguez F., Fraga S., Orive E. Coolia guanchica sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) a new epibenthic dinoflagellate from the Canary Islands (NE Atlantic Ocean). European Journal of Phycology.

Bravo I., Rodríguez F., Ramilo I., Rial P., Fraga S. Ciguatera-Causing Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus spp. (Dinophyceae) in a Subtropical Region of North Atlantic Ocean (Canary Islands): Morphological Characterization and Biogeography. Toxins 11:423.

Fagín E., Bravo I., Garrido J.L., Rodríguez F., Figueroa R.I. Scrippsiella acuminata versus Scrippsiella ramonii: A Physiological Comparison. Cytometry A.

Mendes M.C., Nunes J.M., Fraga S., Rodríguez F., Franco J.M., Riobó P., Branco S., Menezes M. Morphology, molecular phylogeny and toxinology of Coolia and Prorocentrum strains isolated from the tropical South Western Atlantic Ocean. Botanica Marina 62(2):125-140.

Díaz P.A., Reguera B., Moita T., Bravo I., Ruiz-Villarreal M., Fraga S. Mesoscale Dynamics and Niche Segregation of Two Dinophysis Species in Galician-Portuguese Coastal Waters. Toxins 10 (1), 37.

Cuadrado A., de Bustos A., Figueroa R.I. Chromosomal markers in the genus Karenia: Towards an understanding of the evolution of the chromosomes, life cycle patterns and phylogenetic relationships in dinoflagellates. Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-35785-7

Díaz P., Varela, D., Pérez-Santos I., Díaz M., Molinet C., Seguel M., Aguilera-Belmonte A., Alvarez G., Uribe E., Rengel J., Hernández C., Segura C., Figueroa R. I. Impacts of harmful algal blooms on the aquaculture industry: Chile as a case study. Perspectives in Phycology. e-ISSN 2198-011X, print-ISSN 2364-6993. DOI: 10.1127/pip/2019/0081

Luc A. Comeau, Babarro J.M.F., Riobó P., Scarratt M., Starr M., Tremblay, R. 2019. PSP producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum induces valve microclosures in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquaculture, 500, pp 407-413.