Laura Escalera Moura

Technical staff



Degree in Biology. She has a fix position and collaborates in different studies about harmful microalgae.

Editor of the genus Alexandrium in the UNESCO IOC Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae, since November 2022.

Web page:

ORCID: 0000-0003-0938-4250


  • Escalera L., Reguera B., Pazos Y., Moroño A. & Cabanas J.M. (2006). Are different species of Dinophysis selected by climatological conditions? African Journal of Marine Science 28(2):283-88.
  • Culverhouse P.F., Williams R., Simpson B., Gallienne C., Reguera B., Cabrini M., Parisini T., Pazos Y., Wang H., Escalera L., Moroño A., Hensey M., Silke J., Pellegrino A., Thomas D., James D., Longa M.A., Kennedy S. & del Punta G. (2006). HAB-BUOY: A new instrument for in situ monitoring of early warning HAB events. African Journal of Marine Science 28(2): 245-50.
  • Escalera L., Pazos Y., Moroño A. & Reguera B. (2007). Noctiluca scintillans may act as a vector of toxigenic microalgae. Harmful algae 6:317-20.
  • Pizarro G., Escalera L., González-Gil S., Franco J.M. & Reguera B. (2008). Growth, behaviour and cell toxin quota of Dinophysis acuta Ehrenberg during a daily cycle. Marine Ecology Progress Series 353:89-105.
  • Raho N., Pizarro G., Escalera L., Reguera B. & Marín I. (2008). Morphology, toxin composition and molecular analysis of Dinophysis ovum Schutt, a dinoflagellate of the “Dinophysis acuminata complex”. Harmful Algae 7: 839-848.
  • Escalera L. & Reguera B. (2008). Planozygote division in several species of Dinophysis (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales). Journal of Phycology 44:1525-36.
  • Escalera L., Reguera B., Moita T., Pazos Y., Cerejo M., Ruiz-Villarreal M. & Cabanas J.M. (2010). Bloom dynamics of Dinophysis acuta in an upwelling system: in situ growth versus Harmful Algae 9:312-322.
  • Escalera L., Reguera B., Takishita K., Yoshimatsu Y., Koike K. & Koike K. (2011). Cyanobacterial endosymbionts in the benthic dinoflagellate Sinophysis canaliculata (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales). Protist 162(2): 304-314.
  • Escalera, L., Pazos, Y., Doval, M.D. and Reguera, B. (2012). A comparison of integrated and discrete depth sampling for monitoring Dinophysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64:106-113.
  • Rodríguez, F.*, Escalera, L.*, Reguera, B., Rial, P., Riobó, P. and Silva, T. (2012). Morphological variability, toxinology and genetics of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis tripos (Dinophysiaceae, Dinophysiales). Harmful Algae 13:26-33. *Rodríguez, F. and Escalera, L. have contributed equally to this article.
  • Edvardsen B., Dittami S.M., Groben R., Brubak S., Escalera, L., Rodríguez, F., Reguera B., Chen J. & Medlin L.K. (2013). Molecular probes and microarrays for the detection of toxic algae in the genera Dinophysis and Phalacroma (Dinophyta). Environmental Science Pollution Research 20:6733–6750.
  • Escalera L., Benvenuto G., Scalco E., Zingone A. & Montresor M. (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis ovata (Dinophyceae)”. Protist 165(3):260-274.
  • McNamee S.E., Medlin L.K., Kegel J., McCoy G.R., Rain R., Barra L., Ruggiero M.V., Kooistra W.H.C.F., Montresor M., Hagstrom J., Perez Blanco E., Graneli E., Rodríguez F., Escalera L., Reguera B., Dittami S., Edvardsen B., Taylor J., Lewis J.M., Pazos Y., Elliott C.T. & Campbell K. (2016). Distribution, occurrence and biotoxin composition of the main shellfish toxin producing microalgae within European waters: A comparison of methods of analysis. Harmful Algae 55:112-120.
  • Lauritano C., Andersen J. H., Hansen E., Albrigtsen M., Escalera L., Esposito F., Helland K., Hanssen K. Ø., Romano G., Ianora A. (2016). Microalgae broad screening for bioactivities relevant for human health. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:1-12.
  • Escalera L., Italiano A., Pistocchi R., Montresor, M. & Zingone, A. (2018). Gonyaulax hyalina and fragilis, two names associated with ‘mare sporco’, indicate the same species. Phycologia 57:453-464.
  • Mangoni O., Saggiomo V., Bolinesi F., Escalera L. & Saggiomo M. (2018). A review of past and present summer primary production processes in the Ross Sea in relation to changing ecosystems. Ecological Questions 29(3):75-85.
  • Escalera L., Bolinesi F., Mangoni O. & Saggiomo M. (2019). Austral summer bloom of loricate choanoflagellates in the central Ross Sea polynya. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 0:1-4.
  • Zingone A., Escalera L., Aligizaki K., Fernández-Tejedor M., Ismael A., Montresor M., Mozetič, Taş S. & Totti C. (2021). Toxic marine microalgae and noxious blooms in the Mediterranean Sea: A contribution to the Global HAB Status Report. Harmful Algae 102: 101843.
  • Saggiomo M., Escalera L., Saggiomo V., Bolinesi F. & Mangoni. (2021). Phytoplankton blooms below the Antarctic landfast ice during the melt season between late spring and early summer. Journal of Phycology 57(2):541-550.
  • Saggiomo M.*, Escalera L.*, Bolinesi F., Rivaro P., Saggiomo V. & Mangoni. (2021). Diatoms diversity during two austral summers in the Ross Sea (Antarctica). Marine Micropaleontology 165: 101993. *Saggiomo, M. and Escalera, L. have contributed equally to this article.
  • Accoroni S., Cangini M., Angeletti R., Losasso C., Bacchiocchi S., Costa A., Di Taranto A., Escalera L., Fedrizzi G., Garzia A., Longo F., Macaluso A., Melchiorre N., Milandri A., Milandri S., Montresor M., Neri F., Piersanti A., Rubini S., Suraci C., Susini F., Vadrucci M.R, Mudadu A.G., Vivaldi B., Soro B., Totti C. & Zingone A. (2024) Marine phycotoxin levels in shellfish—14 years of data gathered along the Italian coast. Harmful Algae 131: 102560.
  • Chiantore M., Asnaghi V., Abboud-Abi Saab M., Acaf L., Accoroni S., Badreddine A., Escalera L., Fricke A., Jauzein C., Lemée R., Totti C., Turki S., Vila M., Zaghmouri I., Zingone, A., Berdalet E. & Mangialajo, L. (2024) Basin scale variability of Ostreopsis Provides evidence of effectiveness of an integrated sampling approach. Harmful Algae 136: 102651.
  • Rodríguez F., Escalera L., Reguera B., Nogueira E., Bode A., Ruiz-Villarreal M., Rossignoli A. E., Ben-Gigirey B., Rey V. & Fraga S. (2024) Red tides in the Galician rías: historical overview, ecological impact, and future monitoring strategies. Environmental Science: Process and Impacts 26: 16-34.
  • Reguera R., García-Portela M., Velasco-Senovilla E., Rial P., Escalera L., Díaz P. A. & Rodríguez F. (2024) Dinophysis, a highly specialized mixoplanktonic protist. Frontiers in Protistology 1: 1328026.