Publicaciones 2016

Bellés-Garulera, J, Vila M, Borrull E, Riobó P, Franco J, Sala M. 2016. Variability of planktonic and epiphytic vibrios in a coastal environment affected by Ostreopsis blooms. Scientia Marina 80, 97-106.

Aitor Laza-Martínez, Helena David, Pilar Riobó, Irati Miguel, Emma Orive. 2016. Characterization of a Strain of Fukuyoa paulensis (Gambierdiscus sensu lato, Dinophyceae) from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 63(4):481-497.

García-Portela, M., Riobó, P., Franco, J.-M., Bañuelos, R., Rodríguez, F. Genetic and toxinological characterization of North Atlantic strains of the dinoflagellateOstreopsis and allelopathic interactions with toxic and non-toxic species from the genera ProrocentrumCoolia and Gambierdiscus. Harmful Algae 60:57-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2016.10.007

Gavalás-Olea, A., Álvarez, S., Riobó, P., Rodríguez,F., Garrido, J.L., Vaz, B. 19,19′-diacyloxy signature: an atypical level of structural evolution in carotenoid pigments. Organic Letters 18: 4642–4645. DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b02272 

Tester, P.A., Fraga, S. Regional Training Course on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP): Field Monitoring and Toxin Data Management. Santo Domingo, October 26 – November 6, 2015. Harmful Algae News 53:19-20.

Delgado, G., Arencibia, G., Lucas, F., Rosquete, C.M., Fraga, S. A Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef bloom in the channels of Marina Hemingway, La Habana, Cuba. Harmful Algae News 53:8.

Álvarez, G., Uribe, E., Regueiro, J., Blanco, J., Fraga, S. Gonyaulax taylorii, a new yessotoxins-producer dinoflagellate species from Chilean waters. Harmful Algae 58:8-15.

Fraga, S., Rodríguez, F., Riobó, P., Bravo, I. Gambierdiscus balechii sp. nov (Dinophyceae), a new benthic toxic dinoflagellate from the Celebes Sea (SW Pacific Ocean). Harmful Algae 58:93-105.

Garrido, J.L., Brunet, C., Rodríguez, F. Pigment variations in Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP370) as a response to changes in light intensity or quality. Env. Microbiol. 18:4412-4425. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13373.

McNamee, S.E., Medlin, L.K., Kegel, J., McCoy, G.R., Raine, R., Barra, L., Ruggiero, M.V., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Montresor, M., Hagstrom, J., Perez-Blanco, E., Graneli, E., Rodríguez, F., Escalera, L., Reguera, B., Dittami, S., Edvardsen, B., Taylor, J., Lewis, J.M., Pazos, Y., Elliott, C.T. et al. Distribution, occurrence and biotoxin composition of the main shellfish toxin producing microalgae within European waters: A comparison of methods of analysis. Harmful Algae 55:112-120. DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2016.02.008

Davidson, K., Anderson, D.M., Mateus, M., Reguera, B., Silke, J., Sourisseau, M., Maguire, J. Forecasting the risk of harmful algal blooms. Harmful Algae 53: 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2015.11.005

Ruiz-Villarreal, M., García-García, L.M., Cobas, M., Díaz, P.A., Reguera, B. Modelling the hydrodynamic conditions associated with Dinophysis blooms in Galicia (NW Spain). Harmful Algae 53: 40-52. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2015.12.003

Díaz, P.A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Pazos, Y., Moita, T., Reguera, B. Climate variability and Dinophysis acuta blooms in an upwelling system. Harmful Algae 53: 145-159. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2015.11.007

Rodríguez, F. , Garrido, J.L., Sobrino, C., Johnsen, G., Riobó, P., Franco, J.M., Aamot, I., Ramilo, I., Sanz, N. and Kremp, A. Divinyl chlorophyll a in the marine eukaryotic protist Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae). Environ. Microbiol. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13042

Lopes dos Santos, A., Gourvil, P., Rodríguez, F., Garrido, J.L., Vaulot, D. Photosynthetic pigments of oceanic chlorophyta belonging to prasinophytes clade VII. J. Phycol. 52:148-155. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12376

Reguera, B., Alonso, R., Moreira, A., Méndez, S., Dechraoui-Bottein, M.-Y. (Eds). 2016. Guide for designing and implementing a plan to monitor toxin-producing microalgae. 2nd Ed. IOC of UNESCO and IAEA, Paris and Vienna. IOC Manuals and Guides 59, 66 pp.