Publicaciones 2024

Accoroni S., Cangini M., Angeletti R., Losasso C., Bacchiocchi S., Costa A., Di Taranto A., Escalera L. et al. 2024. Marine phycotoxin levels in shellfish—14 years of data gathered along the Italian coast. Harmful Algae 131:102560.

Baldrich Á.M., Díaz P.A., Rosales S.A., Rodríguez-Villegas C., Álvarez G., Pérez-Santos I., Díaz M., Schwerter C., Araya M., Reguera B. 2024. An Unprecedented Bloom of Oceanic Dinoflagellates (Karenia spp.) Inside a Fjord within a Highly Dynamic Multifrontal Ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia. Toxins 16:77.

Chiantore M., Asnaghi V., Abboud-Abi Saab M., Acaf L., Accoroni S., Badreddine A., Escalera L., Fricke A., Jauzein C., Lemée R., Totti C., Turki S., Vila M., Zaghmouri I., Zingone, A., Berdalet E. & Mangialajo, L. 2024. Basin scale variability of Ostreopsis spp. Provides evidence of effectiveness of an integrated sampling approach. Harmful Algae 136: 102651.

Díaz-Alonso A., Rodríguez F., Riobó P., Álvarez-Salgado X., Teira E., Fernández E. 2024. Response of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum to exudates of the eelgrass Zostera marina. Harmful Algae 133: 102605.

Díaz, P.A., Araya, M., Cantarero, B., Miranda, C., Varela, D., Figueroa, R.I., Basti, L., Carbonell, P., Aravena, A., Pérez-Santos, I.E., Nieves, M.G., Alvarez, G. 2024. Are yessotoxins an emerging problem in Chile? Context and perspectives following the first report of YTX levels exceeding the regulatory limit in the Patagonian fjord system: Environmental pollution 61:124844.

Díaz, P.A., Alvarez, G., Schwerter Lillo, C., Baldrich, A.M., Pérez Santos, I.E., Díaz, M., Araya, M., Nieves, M.G., Rosales, S.A., Mancilla-Gutiérrez, G.R., Arratia, C., Figueroa, R.I. 2024. Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation? Harmful Algae 135(1):102649.

Díaz P.A., Rosales S.A., Molinet C., Niklitschek E.J., Marín A., Varela D., Seguel M., Díaz M., Figueroa R.I., Basti L., et al. 2024. Are Alexandrium catenella Blooms Spreading Offshore in Southern Chile? An In-Depth Analysis of the First PSP Outbreak in the Oceanic Coast. Fishes. 9(9):340.

Garric S., Ratin M., Marie D., Foulon V., Probert I., Rodríguez F., Six C. 2024. Impaired photoacclimation in a kleptoplastidic dinoflagellate reveals physiological limits of early stages of endosymbiosis. Current Biology, 34(14):3064 – 3076.e5

Garric S., Ratin M., Gallet B., Decelle J., Probert I., Rodríguez F., Six C. 2024. Photophysiology of the haploid form of the cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia. Journal of Phycology,

Hernández-Urcera, J., Romero, A., Cruz, P., Vasconcelos, V., Figueras, A., Novoa, B., Rodríguez, F. 2024. Screening of Microalgae for Bioactivity with Antiviral, Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Assays. Biology 13:255.

Medlin M., García-Portela M., Rossignoli A.E., Reguera B. A biosensor monitoring approach for toxic algae: Construction of calibration curves to infer cell numbers in field material. Harmful Algae 138:102697.

Reguera B., García-Portela M., Velasco-Senovilla E., Rial P., Escalera L., Díaz P.A., Rodríguez F. 2024. Dinophysis, a highly specialized mixoplanktonic protist. Frontiers in Protistology, 1.

Rodríguez, F., Escalera, L., Reguera, B., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Rossignoli, A.E., Ben-Gigirey, B., Rey, V., Fraga, S. 2024. Red tides in the Galician rías: historical overview, ecological impact, and future monitoring strategies. Environ Sci Process Impacts. doi: 10.1039/d3em00296a.

Rodríguez-Villegas, C., Pérez Santos, I.E., Díaz, P.A., Baldrich, A.M., Richard Lee, M., Saldías, G., Mancilla-Gutiérrez, G.R., Urrutia, C., Navarro, C.R., Varela, D., Ross, L., Figueroa, R.I. 2024. Deep Turbulence as a Novel Main Driver for Multi-Specific Toxic Algal Blooms: The Case of an Anoxic and Heavy Metal-Polluted Submarine Canyon That Harbors Toxic Dinoflagellate Resting Cysts. Microorganisms 12(10):2015.

Díaz, P.A., Alvarez, G., Schwerter Lillo, C., Baldrich, A.M., Pérez Santos, I.E., Díaz, M., Araya, M., Nieves, M.G., Rosales, S.A., Mancilla-Gutiérrez, G.R., Arratia, C., Figueroa, R.I. 2024. Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation? Harmful Algae 135(1):102649.

Sixto M., Riobó P., Rodríguez F., Díaz P.A., Figueroa R. 2024. Climate Change Stressors, Phosphate Limitation, and High Irradiation, Interact to Increase Alexandrium minutum Toxicity and Modulate Encystment Rates. 2024. Microorganisms.

Tillmann, U., Gottschling, M., Sunesen, I., Wietkamp, S., Dzhembekova, N., Rodriguez Hernández, F., Tardivo, J., Sar, E., Kaufmann, M., Hoppenrath, M. 2024. Morphological and molecular characterization of Prorocentrum bidens (formerly known as P. compressum) and description of the closely related Prorocentrum bisaeptum sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae). Phycologia, 1–22.

Yon T, Réveillon D, Sibat M, Holland C, Litaker RW, Nascimento SM, Rossignoli AE, Riobó P, Hess P, Bertrand S. 2024. Targeted and non-targeted mass spectrometry to explore the chemical diversity of the genus Gambierdiscus in the Atlantic Ocean. Phytochemistry 222: 114095.

Sunesen, I., Rodríguez, F., Aguiar Juárez, D., Tardivo Kubis, J. A., & Sar, E. A. 2024. Primer registro del género Togula (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) y de la especie T. jolla para aguas costeras del Sudoeste del Océano Atlántico. Darwiniana, Nueva Serie, 12(1), 5–15.