Publications 2024

Díaz-Alonso A., Rodríguez F., Riobó P., Álvarez-Salgado X., Teira E., Fernández E. 2024. Response of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum to exudates of the eelgrass Zostera marina. Harmful Algae 133: 102605.

Reguera B., García-Portela M., Velasco-Senovilla E., Rial P., Escalera L., Díaz P.A., Rodríguez F. 2024. Dinophysis, a highly specialized mixoplanktonic protist. Frontiers in Protistology, 1.

Rodríguez, F., Escalera, L., Reguera, B., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., Rossignoli, A.E., Ben-Gigirey, B., Rey, V., Fraga, S. 2024. Red tides in the Galician rías: historical overview, ecological impact, and future monitoring strategies. Environ Sci Process Impacts. doi: 10.1039/d3em00296a.

Baldrich Á.M., Díaz P.A., Rosales S.A., Rodríguez-Villegas C., Álvarez G., Pérez-Santos I., Díaz M., Schwerter C., Araya M., Reguera B. An Unprecedented Bloom of Oceanic Dinoflagellates (Karenia spp.) Inside a Fjord within a Highly Dynamic Multifrontal Ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia. Toxins 16:77.