Active projects

Adaptation of ciguatera in Spain and improvement of its management (CIGUAADAPT)

I.P. María Rambla (IRTA)

MARINNONET (Transnational R+D+I cooperation network in Blue Biotechnology)

I.P.: José Luis Soengas (UVIGO)

   Francisco Rodríguez (IEO)

Biological control of the formation and toxic potential of harmful algal blooms (BIOTOX, knowledge generation projects 2021; 2023-2026)

I.P.: Eva Teira y Emilio Fernández (UVIGO);

Rosa Figueroa y Enrique Nogueira (IEO)

‘Oceanographic Time Series in Northern Spain’ project (RADIAL-Vigo)

I.P.: Enrique Nogueira

Pelagic Habitats -plankton in the North Atlantic and Canary Islands Marine Demarcation (9-ESMARES3-HPATL)

I.P.: Enrique Nogueira